Student Food Market at UCSF
Every Thursday, the Student Food Market offers a variety of fresh produce and other healthy staples, free of charge, to UCSF students. The Student Food Market is open to all current fee-paying students. No registration or RSVP required.
Student Food Market Parnassus
Student Success Center
Millberry Union, 100W
Every Thursday, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Student Food Market Mission Bay
Student Services at Mission Bay
Mission Hall 1300 (adjacent to the lobby)
Every Thursday, from 4 to 5:45 p.m.
Friday Grocery Pick-up
The Student Food Market offers Friday Grocery Pick-Up at Parnassus for students who are not able to attend on Thursdays due to classes/clinic/rotations. The online request for Friday Grocery Pick-Up will be open Mondays 8 a.m.-Tuesdays 11:59 p.m. Students will be notified if a bag will be available by Wednesday of each week. Students must pick-up their grocery bag at the Student Success Center (MU-100w) between 8 a.m.-1 p.m. that Friday.
See additional resources for food access at UCSF and the wider community.